Baba Vanga – przepowiednie

Baba Vanga - niewidoma jasnowidzka z Bułgarii
Baba Vanga
Baba Vanga (Wanga, Wangelija Pandewa Dimitrowa) – bułgarska jasnowidzka, urodzona 31 stycznia 1911r. w Strumicy. W wieku 4 lat straciła matkę, ojciec został powołany do wojska, a ona trafiła pod opiekę sąsiadów. Po powrocie z wojny, ojciec znów założył rodzinę. W wieku 12 lat na skutek gwałtownej wichury, zanieczyściła oczy i straciła wzrok. 2 lata później trafiła do szkoły dla niewidomych. Pozostała w niej 3 lata, aby powrócić do rodzinnego domu i zająć się ojcem oraz rodzeństwem.
W 1941 ujawniły się jej zdolności w przewidywaniu przyszłości. Pomagała wielu ludziom diagnozując ich choroby i wysyłając do odpowiednich lekarzy. Z jej porad korzystał nawet car Borys III. W 1967 rząd Bułgarii zaczął wypłacać jej pensję oraz określił stawkę jaką mieli opłacać jej klienci.
Spełnione przepowiednie
Przepowiednie Vangi, które się sprawdziły to:
- śmierć Stalina,
- rozpad ZSRR,
- zatonięcie atomowej łodzi podwodnej “Kursk”,
- dojście do władzy Hitlera,
- początek II wojny światowej,
- katastrofę w Czarnobylu,
- Praską Wiosnę,
- pojawienie się Michaiła Gorbaczowa na scenie politycznej,
- śmierć cara Borysa III,
- wojnę w Libanie i Nikaragui,
- atak talibów na World Trade Center (11 września 2001).
Przepowiednie na przyszłość
Przepowiednie Baby Wangi na przyszłość:
- 10.11.12r.- wybuchnie III wojna światowa, która potrwa 2 lata,
- 2016r. – prawie całkowite wyludnienie kontynentu europejskiego,
- 2018r. – Chiny staną się największą potęgą na świecie,
- 2018r. – skończy się zapas ropy naftowej,
- 2046r. – przełom w genetyce i medycynie – każdy ludzki organ będzie można stworzyć od podstaw i przeszczepić na miejsce uszkodzonego,
- 2088r. – Pojawi się straszliwa choroba polegająca na starzeniu się ludzi w ciągu kilku chwil,
- 2097r. – wynalezienie lekarstwa na powyższą chorobę,
- 2164r. – zwierzęta zmienią się w półludzi (coś jak sfinks, centaur)
- 2170r. – nastąpi wielka susza,
- 2201r. – na skutek spowolnienia procesów termojądrowych na Słońcu, temperatura na Ziemi znacznie się obniży,
- 2221r. – ludzie odkryją koszmarne, pozaziemskie istoty na skutek zbyt rozległych poszukiwań,
- 3005r. – wybuch I wojny marsjańskiej (na Marsie),
- 5076r. – naukowcy odkryją granicę wszechświata,
- 5078r. – naukowcy i rząd zdecydują się na przekroczenie granicy wszechświata mimo sprzeciwu 40% ludzi na świecie,
- 5079r. – Nastąpi koniec świata.
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Manchester City comes from behind to defeat rival Manchester United 3-1
Manchester City came from behind to defeat Manchester United 3-1 and keep the pace on Liverpool in the English Premier League title race.
In an entertaining Manchester Derby on Sunday, Phil Foden scored twice in the second half – the first a stunning strike from outside the box and the second a neat finish from a tight angle – to send City on the way to a crucial victory.
Rashford gave United a shock lead in the first half when his thundering, long-range effort from around 30 yards out went in off the crossbar.
But fellow England international Foden responded with an exceptional goal of his own in the 57th minute before putting City in front in the final 10 minutes having linked up with Julian Alvarez.
By now, the home side was in control of the match, and when Sofyan Amrabat was dispossessed by Rodri close to the United goal, Erling Haaland was able to complete the victory.
“That’s my aim, to turn up in the big games, that’s what I want to do,” Foden told Sky Sports after scoring his 10th and 11th league goals of the season. “I think that this season I’m proving that.”
Manchester City comes from behind to defeat rival Manchester United 3-1
Manchester City came from behind to defeat Manchester United 3-1 and keep the pace on Liverpool in the English Premier League title race.
In an entertaining Manchester Derby on Sunday, Phil Foden scored twice in the second half – the first a stunning strike from outside the box and the second a neat finish from a tight angle – to send City on the way to a crucial victory.
Rashford gave United a shock lead in the first half when his thundering, long-range effort from around 30 yards out went in off the crossbar.
But fellow England international Foden responded with an exceptional goal of his own in the 57th minute before putting City in front in the final 10 minutes having linked up with Julian Alvarez.
By now, the home side was in control of the match, and when Sofyan Amrabat was dispossessed by Rodri close to the United goal, Erling Haaland was able to complete the victory.
“That’s my aim, to turn up in the big games, that’s what I want to do,” Foden told Sky Sports after scoring his 10th and 11th league goals of the season. “I think that this season I’m proving that.”
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The Federal Reserve simply does not have authority to supervise or regulate Bitcoin in any way. – Janet Yellen, former chair of the US Federal Reserve
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5. Token address: CA: 2e1pdGgJEy5VbgsF5wG2jqRKoLJapjpQcXMd2TLuktUF
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This is all in good fun , hope you got a laugh too – on a real note, I’m definitely picking up some fun memecoins this next bull-run . A few bucks here and there, what could hurt?
All the best
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Grayscale’s GBTC exodus is causing ripples in the Bitcoin market dynamics, as investors are increasingly opting to redeem their shares in the popular investment trust. The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) offers institutional and individual investors exposure to Bitcoin without requiring them to directly hold or manage the cryptocurrency. However, recent trends indicate that shareholders are now seeking to exchange their GBTC shares for actual Bitcoin, leading to a decline in GBTC’s premium over the underlying assets. This shift is not only reshaping the relationship between GBTC and Bitcoin but also influencing the overall market sentiment, highlighting the growing demand for direct ownership of the world’s most popular cryptocurrency. Grayscale’s GBTC Exodus Shaking Up Bitcoin Market Dynamics.
OpenAI, the renowned artificial intelligence research laboratory, recently announced its collaboration with prominent French and Spanish news partners to bolster the training of their AI chatbots. The initiative, titled “OpenAI Expands Training with French and Spanish News Partners,” aims to enhance the language proficiency of the chatbots by exposing them to a diverse range of news articles in multiple languages. By teaming up with renowned news organizations, OpenAI intends to broaden the scope of its AI models, enabling them to effectively engage with users in French and Spanish, and ultimately foster more accurate and culturally aware conversations.
The EU Commission’s Proposal: AI Factories for Startups and SMEs aims to provide a significant boost to innovation and growth within the European Union. By establishing AI factories specifically tailored for startups and SMEs, the Commission seeks to bridge the gap between emerging technologies and small-scale businesses. These AI factories will serve as incubation hubs, providing state-of-the-art facilities, expertise, and resources necessary for developing and implementing artificial intelligence solutions. With this forward-thinking initiative, the EU Commission aims to empower startups and SMEs with the tools they need to navigate the ever-evolving technological landscape and drive economic progress across the region.
The European Commission (EC) is actively engaging in the fight against misinformation through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in elections. In an effort to develop robust guidelines, the EC is seeking input from stakeholders across Europe, with the aim of countering the spread of false information and enhancing the integrity of democratic processes. Recognizing the increasing role of AI in shaping electoral outcomes, the EC seeks to collaboratively establish comprehensive strategies that combat the dissemination of misleading content and promote transparency. By actively involving diverse perspectives, the EC is taking a crucial step towards safeguarding elections from the influence of AI-generated misinformation. EC Seeks Input on AI Misinfo Guidelines for Elections
The Ethereum Dencun upgrade brings exciting news for the blockchain community as it aims to lower transaction fees for Layer 2 solutions (L2s). With this significant development, Ethereum users can expect reduced costs and enhanced scalability. Lower Transaction Fees for L2s with Ethereum Dencun Upgrade ensures a more accessible and affordable experience, making it possible for a wider range of users to participate and engage with the blockchain network. This upgrade represents a milestone that can further propel Ethereum’s adoption and solidify its position as a leading blockchain platform in the industry.
Bitcoin’s All-Time Highs: Implications for 2024 Crypto Industry Expectations Bitcoin’s recent surge to all-time highs has sparked immense enthusiasm and raised intriguing questions regarding the future of the crypto industry in 2024. The exponential growth and adoption of Bitcoin have not only solidified its position as a dominant digital asset but have also paved the way for a broader acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a viable investment option. As we look ahead to 2024, these unprecedented highs have accentuated expectations for increased market capitalization, improved regulatory frameworks, and expanded mainstream adoption. The evolving landscape of the crypto industry, undoubtedly fueled by Bitcoin’s stunning achievements, suggests that the upcoming years may witness a further integration of cryptocurrencies into global financial systems, fundamentally transforming the way we perceive and interact with digital assets.
Unleashing VR Potential with Unreal Engine 4, a leading game development platform, offers developers a comprehensive and powerful toolkit for creating immersive virtual reality experiences. With its intuitive interface and extensive collection of pre-built assets, Unreal Engine 4 simplifies the process of designing, prototyping, and iterating upon virtual reality projects. Its robust blueprint system enables developers to easily script interactive and dynamic elements, while its advanced rendering capabilities deliver stunning visuals. Whether you are a seasoned developer or a newcomer to VR development, Unreal Engine 4 provides the tools and resources necessary to unleash your creativity and tap into the limitless potential of virtual reality.
In light of the recent proposal by Sam Altman, the question that arises is whether his audacious $7 trillion ask would truly secure our future. Altman’s vision of directing vast resources towards solving some of humanity’s most pressing challenges is undoubtedly ambitious. However, it is crucial to scrutinize whether such a massive allocation of funds would lead to sustainable solutions or inadvertently create a dependence on financial support. While the idea of tackling issues such as climate change, poverty, and healthcare with unprecedented resources is enticing, the effectiveness and long-term impact of implementing Altman’s proposal necessitate careful consideration. Thus, “Sam Altman’s $7 Trillion Ask: Securing Our Future?” serves as a thought-provoking title that prompts us to critically examine the potential outcomes of such a colossal endeavor.
Bitcoin’s $38.5K: The ‘ETF Dip’ Explained in 3 Reasons. The recent plunge of Bitcoin to $38.5K has sparked speculations and discussions, particularly regarding the so-called ‘ETF dip’. Several factors contributed to this significant drop. Firstly, the anticipation and subsequent disappointment surrounding the proposed Bitcoin ETF may have created a sense of uncertainty among investors, resulting in a sell-off. Secondly, concerns over the regulatory environment surrounding cryptocurrencies and their potential impact on the market could have played a role in the decline. Lastly, profit-taking by traders who capitalized on the recent bull run might have also contributed to the dip. While the nature of this dip is multifaceted, understanding these three reasons can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of the Bitcoin market and how external factors can influence its price.
Understanding Open Interest in Crypto Futures is crucial for anyone involved in the cryptocurrency market. Open interest refers to the total number of outstanding futures contracts in a particular cryptocurrency. It signifies the total number of contracts that have not been closed or settled. This term is significant as it reflects the market’s overall sentiment, indicating the level of participation and liquidity in the futures market. By closely monitoring open interest, traders and investors can gauge the market’s strength and potential price movements, allowing them to make informed decisions about their positions. Hence, comprehending open interest in crypto futures empowers market participants to navigate the volatile and ever-changing crypto landscape with greater precision.
VR and spatial computing are set to revolutionize the internet, according to the inventor of the world wide web himself. Sir Tim Berners-Lee predicts a transformative shift in the online landscape as these technologies become more integrated into our everyday lives. With the ability to transport users to immersive virtual environments and interact with digital information in spatial dimensions, VR and spatial computing have the potential to redefine how we connect, communicate, and consume content on the internet. Berners-Lee’s vision of “VR and Spatial Computing: Transforming the Internet” highlights the exciting possibilities that lie ahead, where the boundaries between the physical and digital realms blur, offering users a truly immersive and interconnected online experience.
Robot Language Adaptation: Greater AI Exploitation Risk. As technology continues to advance, the idea of teaching robots to speak local dialects may seem like a practical way to bridge cultural gaps. However, this seemingly innocent endeavor could have unforeseen consequences, potentially leading to increased exploitation by artificial intelligence. By learning and utilizing local dialects, robots will have a greater ability to blend in seamlessly with human communities, making it easier for AI to manipulate and control us. This raises concerns about the potential power imbalance that could arise, as AI gains access to personal information and emotions through language adaptation. As we embrace the benefits of AI integration, it is essential to remain vigilant and prioritize the ethical considerations associated with this newfound linguistic ability of robots.
Bullish Bitcoin Flirts with $69K as Crypto Market Approaches $2T: Bitcoin bulls are riding a wave of excitement as they set their sights on a new milestone. With Bitcoin inching closer to the coveted $69,000 price target, investors are getting increasingly optimistic about the cryptocurrency’s future. The overall crypto market is also on a bullish streak, approaching the significant $2 trillion mark in market capitalization. This surge in value has been fueled by increased institutional adoption and mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrencies. As the crypto market continues to gain momentum, enthusiasts and investors are eagerly awaiting Bitcoin’s next move towards $69K, which could solidify its position as the leading digital currency in the financial landscape.
Binance, a leading cryptocurrency exchange platform, has achieved yet another significant milestone as its user assets under custody have surpassed $100B. This remarkable feat demonstrates Binance’s unparalleled trust and credibility within the crypto space. With its robust security measures, advanced technology, and wide range of offerings, Binance has successfully gained the confidence of millions of users worldwide. This accomplishment further solidifies Binance’s position as a reliable and trusted platform for individuals and institutions alike, seeking a secure and efficient way to manage their digital assets. Binance Surpasses $100B in User Asset Custody, paving the way for continued growth and innovation within the cryptocurrency industry.
Record $2.85B Profit in Q4: Tether’s Success Driven by T-Bills. Tether, the widely-used stablecoin, has achieved a remarkable milestone, announcing a record-breaking $2.85 billion profit in the fourth quarter. This outstanding performance can be predominantly attributed to their successful investment strategy focused on Treasury bills, or T-bills. By strategically allocating funds to T-bills, Tether was able to maximize returns, further solidifying its position as a leading force in the cryptocurrency market. This accomplishment not only demonstrates Tether’s ability to navigate and thrive in a volatile ecosystem but also highlights the growing importance of stablecoins in the digital economy.
Solana (SOL) experienced a remarkable milestone as its price surged past $150, propelled by a combination of factors including a competitive bid from Pantera Capital and a sudden surge in memecoin and decentralized application (DApp) activity. This outstanding achievement, appropriately titled “SOL Hits $150: Pantera Capital Bid & Memecoin Surge Boost,” showcases the growing recognition and confidence in Solana’s capabilities. With Pantera Capital’s bid highlighting the investment community’s excitement for the project’s potential, coupled with the surge in memecoin and DApp activity, Solana’s ascent to new heights seems unstoppable, solidifying its position as a force to be reckoned with in the blockchain space.
BTC Surges to New February High, Buyers Aim for $25K. BTC Surges to New February High as Bitcoin buyers aim for a faraway target of $25K. The price of Bitcoin experienced a significant rally, setting a new high for the month of February. Bullish sentiment and increased demand from investors have propelled the leading cryptocurrency to its highest level in weeks. With the current momentum, buyers are now setting their sights on a seemingly distant target of $25K. As more individuals and institutions recognize the potential of Bitcoin as a store of value and a hedge against inflation, the cryptocurrency market continues to witness an influx of buyers, driving up prices and fueling optimism among enthusiasts.
EU Remains Skeptical of Crypto Investments amidst Bitcoin ETF Fever. The enthusiasm surrounding Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) has reached a fever pitch; however, the European Union (EU) maintains its skepticism towards crypto investments. The CEO of VanEck Europe, a well-known asset management firm, acknowledges that despite the growing excitement surrounding Bitcoin ETFs, the EU remains cautious. The regulatory body is continuing to scrutinize and assess the risks associated with cryptocurrencies, emphasizing the need for robust investor protection. As the EU remains skeptical of crypto investments amidst Bitcoin ETF fever, it underscores the importance of striking a delicate balance between innovation and safeguarding the interests of investors.
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