znalazłem ciekawie opisane tranzyty astrologiczne wraz z możliwymi scenariuszami, watro pamiętać że Nostrdamus kierował się podobną wiedzą
analizując tranzyty występujące w przeszłości można brać to za bardzo prawdopodobne przepowiednie
* Saturn/Pluto conjunctions have occurred before in 1948, 1980, next in 2020, during periods of conflict and tension, and have related to shifts in power balances around the world. This will surely happen during and after the event in 2020, and will relate to countries like US, Europe, China, Russia, Israel and the Arab world.
i dalej...
*** Saturn/Uranus conjunctions have occurred in 1940, 1990, next in 2030, periods after which a new world order is established. As it was after the sixties that the communism world start falling until the nineties, now we can speculate that some parts of the western world could start falling until a final end around 2030. Surely, this will be the start of a new globalized world as it was after the world war and after 1990.
By 2017, the waning cycles seem to predict a very difficult time, just like it happened at the beginning of WWII. By 2019-2020, there is a significant conjunction involving Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, in Capricorn.
o kolejny ciekawy już o możliwych samych wojnach