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Przepowiednie, proroctwa, znaki

Przepowiednia Świętego Malachiasza

Artykuł opublikowany w dniu 24-09-2009 o godzinie 20:12

Święty Malachiasz

Portret Sw. Malachiasza

Portret Świętego Malachiasza


Święty Malachiasz żył w latach 1094 – 1148, był irlandzkim biskupem, prowadził życie ascety. Został kanonizowany w roku 1190 przez papieża Klemensa III. Malachiasz posiadał dar jasnowidzenia, który objawił się podczas jego pielgrzymki do Rzymu. Jego najbliższym przyjacielem i biografem był Św. Bernard z Clarivaux.


W swoim proroctwie, Św. Malachiasz przewidział 111 kolejnych papieży zasiadających na rzymskim tronie, aż do dnia Sądu Ostatecznego.  Tekst przepowiedni składa się z krótkich, zakodowanych zdań mówiących o kolejnych papieżach. Jak do tej pory wszystkie kolejne zdania znajdowały potwierdzenie w rzeczywistości, opisując kolejnych przywódców Kościoła. Opisy Malachiasza odnoszą się do zdarzeń towarzyszących pontyfikatowi, herbów oraz miejsc urodzeń papieży.

Interpretacja ostatnich czterech wersów przepowiedni Malachiasza:

  1. Pastor et Nauta (pasterz i żeglarz) – opis wskazuje na papieża Jana XXIII. Zanim został papieżem był patriarchą Wenecji, która słynie z łodzi zwanych gondolami.
  2. Florus Florum (kwiat kwiatów) – wskazuje na Pawła VI, którego herb zawierał trzy lilie – królowe kwiatów.
  3. De medietate Lunae (z połowy księżyca) – według niektórych opis pasuje do papieża Jana Pawła I, który został wybrany 26 sierpnia 1978, dzień po tym kiedy księżyc wszedł w ostatnią kwadrę. Dodatkowo, papież ten  panował tylko ponad miesiąc (33 dni – miesiąc księżycowy wynosi 28 dni), a więc umarł on na jeden dzień przed połową księżyca. Papież Jan Paweł I był również zwany papieżem uśmiechu – śmiejące się usta przyjmują kształt półksiężyca.
  4. De labore Solis (z pracy Słońca) – opis wskazuje na Jana Pawła II, który urodził się 18 maja 1920 w dniu zaćmienia słońca, a jego pogrzeb odbył się w czasie innego zaćmienia słońca 8 kwietnia 2005. Oprócz tego, papież Polak dużo wędrował po Ziemi podczas pielgrzymek – niczym Słońce okrążające Ziemię. Przed jego śmiercią mówiło się też, że pasuje do tego określenia, bo wędruje po Ziemi (pielgrzymki) niczym Słońce.
  5. Gloria Olivae (chwała oliwki) – opis papieża Benedykta XVI. Jednym z symboli zakonu św. Benedykta jest gałązka oliwna, a przyjęcie przez papieża imienia Benedykta przez Papieża doskonale łączy go z zakonem benedyktynów. Jeszcze inna interpretacja mówi o “drzewie oliwnym” jako symbolu przywiązania do tradycji i konserwatywnych wartości, a takie właśnie cechy posiada Benedykt XVI.

Łatwo dostrzec podobieństwo ostatniego wersu do słów Nostradamusa, który również wspominał o ostatnim papieżu łącząc go z drzewem oliwnym. Zobacz artykuł: Przepowiednie Nostradamusa.

Ostatnie zdanie przepowiedni brzmi:

W czasie najgorszego prześladowania Świętego Kościoła Rzymskiego, [na tronie] zasiądzie Piotr Rzymianin, który będzie paść [swe] owce podczas wielu cierpień, po czym miasto siedmiu wzgórz zostanie zniszczone i straszny Sędzia osądzi swój lud. Koniec.

To wyraźne nawiązanie do sądu ostatecznego i zniszczenia Rzymu. Określenie Piotr Rzymianin, nie wymienione wcześniej na liście papieży może odnosić się do następnego papieża, który przyjął by imię Piotr II. Można to również odnieść do Benedykta XVI, który rzadko opuszcza Rzym (stąd Rzymianin), oraz broni tradycji i skłania się ku korzeniom Chrześcijaństwa (jak Św. Piotr).

Poniżej znajduje się pełny tekst przepowiedni Świętego Malachiasza (po łacinie):

Ex castro Tyberis
Inimicus expulsus.
Ex magnitudine montis.
Abbas Suburranus.
De rure albo.
Ex tetro carcere.
Via trans-Tyberina.
De Pannonia Tusciae.
Ex ansere custode.
Lux in ostio.
Sus in cribo.
Ensis Laurentii.
De schola exiet.
De rure bovensi.
Comes signatus.
Canonicus de latere.
Avis Ostiensis.
Leo Sabinus.
Comes Laurentius.
Signum Ostiense.
Hierusalem Campaniae.
Draca depressus.
Anguinus vir.
Concionatur Gallus.
Bonus Comes.
Piscator Tuscus.
Rosa composita.
Ex teloneo liliacei Martini.
Ex rosa leonina.
Picus inter escas.
Ex eremo celsus.
Ex undarum benedictione.
Concionator patereus.
De fessis Aquitanicis.
De sutore osseo.
Corvus schismaticus.
Frigidus Abbas.
De rosa Attrebatensi.
De montibus Pammachii.
Gallus Vice-comes.
Novus de Virgine forti.
De cruce Apostilica.
Luna Cosmedina.
Schisma Barcinonicum.
De Inferno praegnanti.
Cubus de mixtione.
De meliore sydere.
Nauta de ponte nigro.
Flagellum Solis.
Cervus Sirenae.
Corona veli aurei.
Lupa caelestina.
Amator crucis.
De modicitate lunae.
Bos pascens.
De capra et Albergo.
De cervo et Leone.
Piscator Minorita.
Praecursor Siciliae.
Bos Albanus in portu.
De parvo homine.
Fructus jovis juvabit.
De craticula Politiana.
Leo Florentius.
Flos pilaei aegri.
Hiacynthus medicorum.
De corona Montana.
Frumentum floccidum.
De fide Petri.
Aesculapii pharmacum.
Angelus nemorosus.
Medium corpus pilarum.
Axis in medietate signi.
De rore caeli.
De antiquitate Urbis.
Pia civitas in bello.
Crux Romulea.
Undosus Vir.
Gens perversa.
In tribulatione pacis.
Lilium et rosa.
Jucunditas crucis.
Montium custos.
Sydus Olorum.
De flumine magno.
Bellua insatiabilis
Poenitentia gloriosa.
Rastrum in porta.
Flores circumdati.
De bona Religione.
Miles in bello.
Columna excelsa.
Animal rurale.
Rosa Umbriae.
Ursus velox.
Peregrinus Apostolicus
Aquila rapax.
Canis et coluber.
Vir religiosus.
De balneis hetruriae.
Crux de cruce.
Lumen in caelo.
Ignis ardent.
Religio depopulata.
Fides intrepida.
Pastor angelicus.
Pastor et Nauta.
Florus florum.
De medietate Lunae.
De labore Solis.
Gloria olivae.

In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, et Iudex tremedus iudicabit po pulum suum. Finis.

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    Razor Shark: Ein umfassender Leitfaden zu diesem faszinierenden Casino-Slot

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    Was ist Razor Shark? razor shark casino ist ein Unterwasserwelt-Spiel, das in der aufregenden Tiefsee angesiedelt ist. Der Slot wird von Push Gaming entwickelt, einem renommierten Anbieter von Casino-Spielen. Das Spiel bietet den Spielern die Moglichkeit, in die geheimnisvolle Tiefsee einzutauchen und auf die Suche nach verborgenen Schatzen zu gehen. Mit seiner ansprechenden visuellen Gestaltung und innovativen Funktionen hat sich Razor Shark als einer der beliebtesten Slots in der Spielerfahrung etabliert.

    Razor Shark Slot – Spielmechanik und Features Der Razor Shark Slot ist ein funf-Walzen-Slot mit drei Reihen, der insgesamt 20 Gewinnlinien bietet. Die grundlegende Grafik ist einfach zu verstehen, aber das Spiel enthalt auch eine Reihe von besonderen Funktionen, die das Gameplay besonders spannend machen.

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  • # PlinkoGamemix (15-10-2024)

    Definitive Exploration on Plinko-inspired Gaming: Exposing the together with Methods

    Welcome about Plinko-style Gaming

    If you had at any point watched into towards an occasional TV game show program, possibilities is you’ve seen that breathtaking disorder concerning the particular plinko game free . Initially presented brought to popularity from the iconic TV show, that Chip-dropping game show has since moved past broadcast screens screens additionally established a steady presence in the environment of online online gambling. Nowadays, the beloved Plinko-based gaming platform continues to be a favorite top choice fixture among online casinos, delivering users a shot to enjoy engage in the enjoyment associated with chance combined with methods through a digital platform.

    Nevertheless, what does one call a Chip-dropping event, what makes it it has such so very widely-known? The article intends to go deep into every various element concerning the well-known Plinko-themed game show, from its initial beginnings to the point of its current recent digital variants, including ways you could experience Plinko to win real cash and also the methods a casino-goer ought to have to grasp. Ready to begin? Let’s dive in!

    Origin in Plinko-based Game Show

    Believe it or not, the Plinko Chip-dropping round has actually a story as captivating as its own. First unveiled in the world at “The Price Is Right”, the beloved game evolved into a rapid triumph, winning over a vast audience of game show home audiences. A particular structure of the a specific gaming event had been amazingly straightforward: insert a coin starting from the highest of the a peg-filled surface plus observe as it this round token tumbles its very own way towards this pegboard and finally settles in one of several compartments in the area of the lower section. Each of these ending slot was assigned a distinct monetary reward, with gamers claiming modest monetary amounts to remarkably more substantial ones.

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  • # Aviator1u (15-10-2024)

    A Complete Overview to the Aviator Online Game

    The realm of virtual gaming has seen a surge of exciting developments over the time, but few have seized the engagement of enthusiasts like the aviator. This special and engaging game combines elements of chance, approach, and adventure, making it a popular choice among both veteran gamblers and novices alike. In this article, we will review everything you need to know about the Aviator betting game, from how to enjoy to its various attributes, including how to sign up and log in to the Aviator platform. Whether you’re interested in making wagers on Aviator or simply want to discover more about the platform, this guide has got you addressed.

    What is the Aviator Title?

    The Aviator title is an new online gaming experience that takes ideas from aircraft. The primary aim is to estimate when a plane will take off and cash out before it drops. This straightforward yet exciting concept has appealed with gamers around the international community, making it a favored option in various online casinos. The game features a odds multiplier that expands as the aircraft ascends, allowing players to wager on how high the aircraft will go before it flies away.

    How to Participate in the Aviator Experience
    Familiarizing how to experience the Aviator title is essential for anyone looking to immerse themselves in this adventurous experience. The play style is simple, making it attainable for those new to gaming while still offering layers for more expert players. Here’s a thoroughly explained guide on how to enjoy:

    Create an Account: Before you can begin, you’ll need to create an account. This process is rapid and simple, typically requiring just a few personal credentials.

    Login to the Aviator Experience: Once your account is set up, you can sign in to enter the game. The login process usually involves submitting your login ID and password.

    Make a Bet: After signing in, you can make a wager. You have the option to choose how much you want to put on the line. The betting multiplier starts at 1x and grows as the jet gains altitude.

    Cash Out: The deciding factor in the game comes when you decide to take your profit. You need to be fast and careful; if you hold back, the jet may crash, and you’ll miss your bet. Successfully securing your payout before the aircraft takes off will yield your earnings based on the multiplier at that juncture.

    Repeat: After each playthrough, you can repeat the process to risk funds and join the thrill of the game.

    Aviator Experience Online: Where to Experience
    There are countless platforms where you can participate in the Aviator game online. Many trustworthy online gambling sites offer this game as part of their gaming suite. When picking a platform, consider factors like customer feedback, regulation, funding options, and incentives. A good online gaming site will provide a hassle-free gaming experience, ensuring that your wagers on Aviator are safe and enjoyable.

    Popular Online Casinos Offering Aviator Betting Game

    Betway Wagering Site: Known for its vast selection of games, Betway offers the Aviator experience alongside many other gaming choices.

    1xBet Online: This platform is famous for its variety of sports wagers and also features the Aviator game for those in search of a different type of experience.

    Casumo Casino: Casumo is unique for its user-friendly interface and advantageous promotions, making it an excellent choice for Aviator aficionados.

    The Aviator Mobile Game: Gaming on the Go
    For enthusiasts who favor gaming on the road, the Aviator app is a fantastic option. This app allows you to participate in the game from your mobile device, providing comfort. Here’s what you need to know about the Aviator software:

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    Downloading the Aviator App
    To get going on your iPhone, you need to install the Aviator mobile application. Here’s a easy guide on how to do it:

    Visit the Wagering Site: Most online gambling sites will have a dedicated link for their mobile platform. Navigate to this part.

    Download the App: Stick to the directions provided to get the platform. Ensure that you have enough memory on your iPhone.

    Install the App: Once received, configure the app by completing the on-screen instructions.

    Create an Account or Access: If you’re a new player, you’ll need to register. Existing players can simply sign in using their account info.

    Start Playing: After signing in, you can begin making your bets on Aviator directly from your smartphone.

  • # ThomasLok (15-10-2024)

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  • # Tigrinhoqo (15-10-2024)

    Tigrinho Casino: Lazer, Heranca e Grandes Vitorias

    O jogo de aposta tigrinho e uma espaco de curtidas que tem ganhado notoriedade no mercado do Brasil gracas a sua proposta inovadora e diferenciada. Com um inspirado na cultura oriental, o cassino oferece uma vivencia completa, repleta de cores, motivos e referencias orientais que asseguram um contexto de jogo notavel e cativante. Alem disso, o Tigrinho Casino integra historia e modernidade ao trazer para o mundo online diversoes que remetem aos jogos classicos chineses, mas com toda a facilidade e tranquilidade de uma ambiente online. Se voce busca um local onde lazer e chance de ganhar muito estao juntos, o Tigrinho Casino e o lugar certo.

    Apostas no Tigrinho: Como Funciona e Quais Sao as Vantagens?

    As apostas no Tigrinho Ambiente sao muito descomplicadas e simples, permitindo que ate mesmo os novos jogadores se sintam confortaveis para comecar a descobrir as multiplas opcoes de apostas. A ambiente conta com uma ampla variedade de jogos, desde os slots tradicionais ate roletas, e jogos de cartas, tudo otimizado para a web. Cada jogo oferece diferentes opcoes de aposta, com opcoes de baixo custo e ganhos que podem transformar a experiencia em uma grande vitoria.

    Uma das maiores vantagens de apostar no Tigrinho Casino e a acesso a ofertas exclusivas e bonus de boas-vindas que elevam suas chances de premio. Alem disso, o cassino disponibiliza um plano de fidelidade, onde os apostadores acumulam creditos a cada aposta realizada, podendo utilizar esses pontos por premios, giros gratuitos e ate mesmo valores monetarios.

    Jogo do Tigrinho: A Heranca em Forma de Prazer

    O Entretenimento do Tigrinho e um dos carros-chefe do cassino, reconhecido por sua mecanica envolvente e por oferecer uma experiencia de entretenimento que integra chance e estrategia. Baseado em tradicoes chinesas, o Jogo do Tigrinho torna possivel que os membros demonstram suas habilidades enquanto aproveitam e testam a sorte. O jogo e direto: voce define suas apostas e espera pelos tigres alinhados. Quanto mais tigres voce conseguir, maior sera o valor do premio!

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  • # Pin-UpGap (15-10-2024)

    Pin Up Bet tudo que voce gostaria de saber sobre a oferta destinada ao publico brasileiro.

    Nos ultimos tempos, o setor de apostas online em nosso pais ganhou forca, despertando o interesse dos usuarios. Entre as as inumeras plataformas existentes, a jogo aviator pin-up se destaca por sua proposta inovadora e um processo unica para os clientes.

    Neste artigo, vamos analisar tudo que voce precisa saber da Pin Up Bet no Brasil, examinando seus servicos, vantagens, metodos de pagamento, ate estrategias para potencializar suas experiencias.

    O Que E a Pin Up?
    A Pin Up Apostas e uma oferta para jogadores que disponibiliza uma gama uma grande selecao de alternativas para os jogadores. Desde esportes ate jogos de sorte, a servico traz algo para todas as preferencias dos apostadores. Apresentando um design intuitivo e um processo agradavel para os apostadores.

    Vantagens da Servico de Apostas Pin Up
    Variedade de Apostas: A Pin Up Apostas apresenta uma grande selecao de esportes em jogos, tais como basquete.

    Interface Amigavel: O aplicativo da Pin Up estao formatados com o intuito de facilitar de facil acesso, permitindo que tanto novos quanto experientes encontram com agilidade o que procuram.

    Promocoes e Bonus: A Plataforma Pin Up geralmente disponibiliza promocoes chamativas para apostadores iniciantes e tambem promocoes periodicas para apostadores regulares. Isso pode incluir bonus por adesao, apostas gratuitas e muitas outras.

    Suporte ao Cliente: Um dos destaques da Plataforma Pin Up esta sua equipe de atendimento. Os usuarios podem contar assistencia ininterrupta, oferecendo a certeza de que quaisquer necessidades seja solucionado de forma rapida.

    Metodos de Pagamento: A Aposta Pin Up aceita varios meios de pagamento incluindo carteiras digitais, garantindo agilidade nas transacoes para quem aposta.

    Como Funciona a Pin Up Apostas?
    Para utilizar a Pin Up Bet Brasil, voce deve atentar-se a alguns passos faceis:

    1. Cadastro
    O passo inicial e registrar-se. O processo de cadastro de usuario e considerado rapido e facil. Apenas forneca algumas informacoes de contato, como por exemplo telefone.

    2. Deposito
    Uma vez que completar seu cadastro, voce pode realizar um saldo servindo-se de um dos metodos de deposito disponiveis na Pin Up Apostas. E importante lembrar que alguns bonus podem requerer um investimento inicial.

    3. Apostas
    Ao ter o saldo em conta, voce pode comecar a utilizar a navegar nas opcoes de apostas. Dirija-se a categoria de esportes acompanhando secao de cassino, escolha seu jogo de cassino e inicie sua aposta.

    4. Saques
    Quando suas apostas forem bem-sucedidas, voce podera fazer uma solicitacao de a retirada dos seus ganhos. A Servico de Apostas Pin Up comumente efetua os saques com celeridade, entretanto os prazos podem variar dependendo do metodo escolhido.

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    A Plataforma Pin Up e uma excelente escolha para apaixonados por apostas que buscam uma experiencia completa em apostas e jogos de cassino. Com diversas oferta de produtos, bonus de boas-vindas, suporte eficiente e multiplas opcoes de pagamento, a Pin Up Bet se distingue como uma opcao de confianca para quem deseja se divertir-se.

  • # Stevenhit (15-10-2024)
  • # 136betmix (15-10-2024)

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  • # ThomasWer (15-10-2024)

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  • # PinUpiw (15-10-2024)

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    Sosial s?b?k? s?hif?si: https://x.com/Pin_Up_TM

    Son Soz
    Pin Up Casino, muasir dizayn?, genis oyun secimini v? c?lbedici bonuslar? il? online qumar dunyas?nda ozun?m?xsus bir yer tutur. H?r k?s ucun goz?l v? guv?nli bir oyun muhiti t?min edir. ?g?r siz d? bu muk?mm?l mac?ran? yasamaq n?z?rd? tutursan?z, indi qeydiyyatdan kecin v? oyun dunyas?na g?lm?y? t?sdiql?! Sosial media hesablar?m?z? izl?m?yi unutmay?n, burada sizi gozl?y?n bonuslar? qac?rmay?n! Burada, h?r yeni oyunla marag?n bir hiss?si olma sans?n? qac?rmay?n!