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Przepowiednie, proroctwa, znaki

Przepowiednia Świętego Malachiasza

Artykuł opublikowany w dniu 24-09-2009 o godzinie 20:12

Święty Malachiasz

Portret Sw. Malachiasza

Portret Świętego Malachiasza


Święty Malachiasz żył w latach 1094 – 1148, był irlandzkim biskupem, prowadził życie ascety. Został kanonizowany w roku 1190 przez papieża Klemensa III. Malachiasz posiadał dar jasnowidzenia, który objawił się podczas jego pielgrzymki do Rzymu. Jego najbliższym przyjacielem i biografem był Św. Bernard z Clarivaux.


W swoim proroctwie, Św. Malachiasz przewidział 111 kolejnych papieży zasiadających na rzymskim tronie, aż do dnia Sądu Ostatecznego.  Tekst przepowiedni składa się z krótkich, zakodowanych zdań mówiących o kolejnych papieżach. Jak do tej pory wszystkie kolejne zdania znajdowały potwierdzenie w rzeczywistości, opisując kolejnych przywódców Kościoła. Opisy Malachiasza odnoszą się do zdarzeń towarzyszących pontyfikatowi, herbów oraz miejsc urodzeń papieży.

Interpretacja ostatnich czterech wersów przepowiedni Malachiasza:

  1. Pastor et Nauta (pasterz i żeglarz) – opis wskazuje na papieża Jana XXIII. Zanim został papieżem był patriarchą Wenecji, która słynie z łodzi zwanych gondolami.
  2. Florus Florum (kwiat kwiatów) – wskazuje na Pawła VI, którego herb zawierał trzy lilie – królowe kwiatów.
  3. De medietate Lunae (z połowy księżyca) – według niektórych opis pasuje do papieża Jana Pawła I, który został wybrany 26 sierpnia 1978, dzień po tym kiedy księżyc wszedł w ostatnią kwadrę. Dodatkowo, papież ten  panował tylko ponad miesiąc (33 dni – miesiąc księżycowy wynosi 28 dni), a więc umarł on na jeden dzień przed połową księżyca. Papież Jan Paweł I był również zwany papieżem uśmiechu – śmiejące się usta przyjmują kształt półksiężyca.
  4. De labore Solis (z pracy Słońca) – opis wskazuje na Jana Pawła II, który urodził się 18 maja 1920 w dniu zaćmienia słońca, a jego pogrzeb odbył się w czasie innego zaćmienia słońca 8 kwietnia 2005. Oprócz tego, papież Polak dużo wędrował po Ziemi podczas pielgrzymek – niczym Słońce okrążające Ziemię. Przed jego śmiercią mówiło się też, że pasuje do tego określenia, bo wędruje po Ziemi (pielgrzymki) niczym Słońce.
  5. Gloria Olivae (chwała oliwki) – opis papieża Benedykta XVI. Jednym z symboli zakonu św. Benedykta jest gałązka oliwna, a przyjęcie przez papieża imienia Benedykta przez Papieża doskonale łączy go z zakonem benedyktynów. Jeszcze inna interpretacja mówi o “drzewie oliwnym” jako symbolu przywiązania do tradycji i konserwatywnych wartości, a takie właśnie cechy posiada Benedykt XVI.

Łatwo dostrzec podobieństwo ostatniego wersu do słów Nostradamusa, który również wspominał o ostatnim papieżu łącząc go z drzewem oliwnym. Zobacz artykuł: Przepowiednie Nostradamusa.

Ostatnie zdanie przepowiedni brzmi:

W czasie najgorszego prześladowania Świętego Kościoła Rzymskiego, [na tronie] zasiądzie Piotr Rzymianin, który będzie paść [swe] owce podczas wielu cierpień, po czym miasto siedmiu wzgórz zostanie zniszczone i straszny Sędzia osądzi swój lud. Koniec.

To wyraźne nawiązanie do sądu ostatecznego i zniszczenia Rzymu. Określenie Piotr Rzymianin, nie wymienione wcześniej na liście papieży może odnosić się do następnego papieża, który przyjął by imię Piotr II. Można to również odnieść do Benedykta XVI, który rzadko opuszcza Rzym (stąd Rzymianin), oraz broni tradycji i skłania się ku korzeniom Chrześcijaństwa (jak Św. Piotr).

Poniżej znajduje się pełny tekst przepowiedni Świętego Malachiasza (po łacinie):

Ex castro Tyberis
Inimicus expulsus.
Ex magnitudine montis.
Abbas Suburranus.
De rure albo.
Ex tetro carcere.
Via trans-Tyberina.
De Pannonia Tusciae.
Ex ansere custode.
Lux in ostio.
Sus in cribo.
Ensis Laurentii.
De schola exiet.
De rure bovensi.
Comes signatus.
Canonicus de latere.
Avis Ostiensis.
Leo Sabinus.
Comes Laurentius.
Signum Ostiense.
Hierusalem Campaniae.
Draca depressus.
Anguinus vir.
Concionatur Gallus.
Bonus Comes.
Piscator Tuscus.
Rosa composita.
Ex teloneo liliacei Martini.
Ex rosa leonina.
Picus inter escas.
Ex eremo celsus.
Ex undarum benedictione.
Concionator patereus.
De fessis Aquitanicis.
De sutore osseo.
Corvus schismaticus.
Frigidus Abbas.
De rosa Attrebatensi.
De montibus Pammachii.
Gallus Vice-comes.
Novus de Virgine forti.
De cruce Apostilica.
Luna Cosmedina.
Schisma Barcinonicum.
De Inferno praegnanti.
Cubus de mixtione.
De meliore sydere.
Nauta de ponte nigro.
Flagellum Solis.
Cervus Sirenae.
Corona veli aurei.
Lupa caelestina.
Amator crucis.
De modicitate lunae.
Bos pascens.
De capra et Albergo.
De cervo et Leone.
Piscator Minorita.
Praecursor Siciliae.
Bos Albanus in portu.
De parvo homine.
Fructus jovis juvabit.
De craticula Politiana.
Leo Florentius.
Flos pilaei aegri.
Hiacynthus medicorum.
De corona Montana.
Frumentum floccidum.
De fide Petri.
Aesculapii pharmacum.
Angelus nemorosus.
Medium corpus pilarum.
Axis in medietate signi.
De rore caeli.
De antiquitate Urbis.
Pia civitas in bello.
Crux Romulea.
Undosus Vir.
Gens perversa.
In tribulatione pacis.
Lilium et rosa.
Jucunditas crucis.
Montium custos.
Sydus Olorum.
De flumine magno.
Bellua insatiabilis
Poenitentia gloriosa.
Rastrum in porta.
Flores circumdati.
De bona Religione.
Miles in bello.
Columna excelsa.
Animal rurale.
Rosa Umbriae.
Ursus velox.
Peregrinus Apostolicus
Aquila rapax.
Canis et coluber.
Vir religiosus.
De balneis hetruriae.
Crux de cruce.
Lumen in caelo.
Ignis ardent.
Religio depopulata.
Fides intrepida.
Pastor angelicus.
Pastor et Nauta.
Florus florum.
De medietate Lunae.
De labore Solis.
Gloria olivae.

In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, et Iudex tremedus iudicabit po pulum suum. Finis.

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  • # PlinkoAppmix (19-10-2024)

    The Complete Guide to Plinko Apps: Reviews, Specifications, and Making Real Money

    Plinko is a timeless game that has captured the hearts of many since its origins on game shows like The Price is Right. Over the years, this elementary yet entertaining game has evolved into a well-known app format, with a abundance of options available for download. If you’re wondering what a Plinko app is, how it works, and which ones are the most recommended, you’re in the right place. This in-depth guide will help you understand everything you need to know about plinko cash app , including how to get real money, and which Plinko apps stand out from the crowd.

    What is a Plinko App?
    Before diving into the particulars of different Plinko apps, it’s essential to understand the game itself. Plinko is a game of risk where players drop a puck down a partitioned board, aiming to land it in a slot with a high payout. The ball bounces unpredictably off the pegs, making the game both engaging and tense. In the app world, this concept has been translated into digital formats, allowing players to enjoy Plinko on their smartphones.

    A Plinko app emulates this experience, offering players a virtual board and the joy of watching the ball’s unpredictable path. These apps come in various styles, from beginner-friendly free-to-play versions to more detailed ones that allow you to win real money. The beauty of Plinko lies in its ease, yet the excitement it generates keeps players coming back for more.

    Plinko App Reviews: What Players Are Saying
    When choosing the top Plinko app, it’s crucial to consider user reviews. These reviews provide perspective into the app’s operation, user experience, and, most crucially, whether or not you can win real money. Let’s take a closer look at some notable Plinko app reviews.

    Plinko Master

    User Experience: Plinko Master is one of the most frequently used Plinko apps available. Users appreciate its streamlined interface, enjoyable gameplay, and the variety of ways to earn rewards. However, some players have noted that while the game is enjoyable, the chances of winning major money are slim.
    Real Money Winnings: The app promotes the possibility of winning real money, but many reviews suggest that reaching the earning goal is challenging.
    Overall Rating: 4.3/5

    Plinko Winner

    User Experience: Plinko Winner offers a more authentic Plinko experience with an emphasis on entertainment rather than cash rewards. Players enjoy the game’s old-fashioned feel and the variety of boards available.
    Real Money Winnings: This app doesn’t focus much on real money winnings, making it less worthwhile for those looking to cash out.
    Overall Rating: 4.0/5

    Plinko Casino

    User Experience: As the name suggests, Plinko Casino integrates the classic game with gambling-inspired gameplay. Users love the blend of Plinko with slot machines and other casino games, creating a more rich gaming experience.
    Real Money Winnings: The app allows users to win real money, but as with many Plinko apps, the actual winnings can be modest.
    Overall Rating: 4.5/5

    Plinko Cash

    User Experience: This app is geared toward players looking to win real money. It features a easy-to-use Plinko board with the sole aim of amassing cash rewards. Players appreciate the simple approach and the potential for consistent payouts.
    Real Money Winnings: Reviews suggest that while it’s possible to win money, the amounts are often small, and it requires ongoing gameplay to accumulate significant earnings.
    Overall Rating: 4.2/5

    These Plinko app reviews highlight the breadth of experiences available, depending on what you’re looking for—be it entertainment, nostalgia, or the chance to earn some additional cash.

    Best Plinko App: Our Top Picks
    When searching for the most suitable Plinko app, several factors come into play: user experience, design, gameplay, and the potential to win real money. Here are our top picks:

    Best Overall: Plinko Master

    Why It Stands Out: Plinko Master tops our list due to its refined design, easy-to-navigate interface, and the balance it strikes between fun and potential rewards. Whether you’re playing recreationally or hoping to win real money, this app offers something for everyone.
    Features: Daily bonuses, a diversity of boards, and a reward system that keeps you coming back.

    Best for Real Money: Plinko Cash

    Why It Stands Out: If your primary goal is to earn cash, Plinko Cash is the best choice. The app’s focus on real money rewards makes it a top pick for those looking to capitalize on their Plinko skills.
    Features: Direct payouts, cash rewards, and frequent opportunities to win.

    Best for Casino Lovers: Plinko Casino

    Why It Stands Out: Plinko Casino merges the enjoyment of Plinko with the fun of casino gaming. It’s the best option for those who enjoy a bit of gambling alongside their Plinko fun.
    Features: Casino-style bonuses, multiple game modes, and real money payouts.

    For more information visit site: https://plinko-app.in/

    Best for Retro Gaming: Plinko Winner

    Why It Stands Out: For players who prefer a nostalgic experience, Plinko Winner is the ideal choice. It offers a straightforward Plinko board with a classic design that harks back to the game’s origins.
    Features: Classic gameplay, vintage aesthetics, and an engaging user interface.

    These apps represent the most notable options in the Plinko app market, catering to different interests and gaming styles. Whether you’re looking for pure fun, a nostalgic experience, or the chance to win real money, there’s a Plinko app for you.

  • # AviatorGap (19-10-2024)

    What does the Aviator game entail?

    The aviator login is a fast-paced game that moves quickly where a plane rises as long as possible. The longer the plane flies, the chance to win big grows. The session keeps running until the plane stops and crashes or you exit with your winnings.

    The tension is in the timing of your cash out—cashing out too soon could reduce your payout; wait too long, and the crash happens, resulting in a loss. This balance of strategy and risk adds to the game’s excitement.

    Steps to Play Aviator

    Knowing how to play Aviator is not complicated. The game is based on a straightforward concept: bet on the plane’s flight, and try to cash out before the crash. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

    Begin by wagering:
    After starting the game, you’ll need to place a bet. You have the option to bet small or large amounts, depending on the rules of the platform you’re playing on. The money you wager determines the size of your rewards, as it affects your possible returns.

    Observe the plane’s flight:
    After bets are in, the plane takes off. A small plane begins its flight upwards. The longer the plane flies, the multiplier of your potential payout also increases. The longer the plane flies, the larger the reward.

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    Cash Out:
    The key to playing Aviator successfully is timing your cash out perfectly. You can end the round at any point by pressing the exit button. Your payout is calculated by multiplying your original bet by the multiplier at cash out.

    Watch out for the crash:
    Should the plane crash before you cash out, you miss out on any winnings. Timing is the most important part in the Aviator game.

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  • # PlinkoGamemix (19-10-2024)

    Definitive Overview for Plinko Entertainment: Exploring the and Plans

    Introduction in Plinko Gambling

    In case you’d at any time tuned in into towards an occasional TV game show broadcast, probability chances are you’ve observed a certain exciting madness of the iconic plinko online game . Initially presented brought to popularity by the famous TV show, this Chip-dropping activity has evolved beyond broadcasts screens & gained its own way within the realm in online gaming. Currently, the famous Plinko online gambling experience has become a preferred icon in virtual casinos, delivering casino-goers an opportunity to feel partake in the fun related to opportunity alongside methods inside a a computerized interface.

    But, just what exactly is the Plinko-based game, and it has so so very sought-after? This specific manual will look comprehensively into the very each component of a Plinko-themed experience, ranging from its historical history to its most online virtual adaptations, and how exactly you can play Chip-dropping and win money and also plans a player need to be aware of. All set? Let’s jump right in!

    Origin in Plinko-style Round

    Surprisingly enough, the original Plinko-inspired round genuinely has a historical as fascinating similar to the. When it was first introduced during TV viewers on the program “The Price Is Right”, the iconic activity was an immediate favorite, enthralling a large number of game show players. This design of the Plinko round was actually astonishingly elementary: let go of one disc released from the upper in the a board filled with pegs board game plus observe as the disc the chip moves its route down the game a large surface ultimately ends within one of one of several containers at the the bottom. Every one of these ending compartment came with an alternate prize amount, with show participants receiving lower money wins to remarkably more substantial ones.

    Visit our site for more: https://game-plinko.in/

    This specific excitement & chance made the Plinko Plinko-inspired event an instant success on the show, which eventually led to creation of numerous forms of this well-known Plinko-themed round that we see through online casinos nowadays.

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  • # 대전호빠 (19-10-2024)

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  • # AviatorGap (19-10-2024)

    Aviator: O Jogo que Esta Conquistando O popular jogo que esta emergindo cativando o fascinante mundo do jogo online. Nos ultimos anos, este fascinante jogo tornou-se popular como um emocionante emocionantes experiencias mais fascinantes no universo das apostas virtuais. Com uma proposta que uma experiencia que integra excitamento, simplicidade total e a a oportunidade de significativos retornos, esse conceito com rapidez dominado a atencao de participantes globalmente no planeta. Na era onde os jogos de cassino se diversificaram mais variados. aviator mz se torna unico por uma dinamica particular e envolvente.

    Em oposicao a diferentes titulos tradicionais dos cassinos, em que as estruturas se apresentam intrincadas e o aprendizado exige esforco, essa opcao garante uma experiencia simples a qualquer um. Desde iniciantes que desejam apenas comecando a aventura no experiencia na area mundo das apostas junto a jogadores experientes explorando por desafios emocoes, todas as pessoas podem se sentir seduzidos pelo conceito de essa dinamica. A chave baseia-se em simples: monitorar a aeronave decolar em um grafico no jogo, simultaneamente o multiplicador da sua participacao participacao se multiplica numa velocidade dinamico. A missao, mas, consiste na determinacao da hora certo para fazer a retirada sua participacao aposta feita antes de que o o voo desca.

    Em adicao, o surgimento da internet digitais trouxe uma nova oportunidade dimensao no jogo, possibilitando que usuarios de diversos lugares do mundo todo se conectem e compartilhem experiencias. O jogo aviator se torna um exemplo classico perfeito da nova era, ja que pode ser experimentado de qualquer ponto de qualquer lugar do mundo, garantindo acessibilidade e variedade. Esse jogo nao so promoveu proporcionou uma nova experiencia de interacao, igualmente tornou-se um marco popular nas plataformas de jogos online, cultivando uma comunidade participativa de participantes que se envolvem sugestoes, estrategias e jogadas.

    Neste conteudo, examinaremos de forma aprofundada todos os detalhes do jogo aviator, abordando seu funcionamento alem de as melhores taticas para otimizar suas chances de sucesso. Exploraremos abordar as estrategias para jogar, as diferencas da mecanica, taticas para garantir apostas seguras e inclusive a aplicacao de instrumentos como o uso do o software predictor. Esteja atento para imergir no emocionante contexto do mundo aviator, onde a oportunidade a chance de vitorias se encontram se encontram a cada nova rodada.

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    O que e a dinamica aviator? A proposta aviator representa uma notavel interacao de apostas nas apostas online que se baseia sobre a elevacao de um em um grafico dinamico. Quando a aeronave se eleva, ele e um simbolo de apostas de multiplicacao de valor de aposta, o que cresce junto com a elevacao da aeronave. A missao dos participantes depende de coletar sua antes de que o o objeto desca abruptamente.